Comprehensive Course on MongoDB and Data Modeling

Gain complete proficiency in mongoDB and NoSql with perfect expertise and knowledge.

MongoDB is a scalable and high-performance open source database designed to handle document-oriented storage. Mongodb is better than relational databases due to scalability and storage related issues. This course on MongoDB drives from complete basics and moves upwards exploring inner details and finally ends up explaining advanced level concepts of this NoSQL database. Along with tutorial lectures, this course also includes separate pdf files which can also be referred by the students. Hands on practicals form an integral part of this MongoDB course. The course covers great details about:

1.NoSql, JSON and BSON

2. Introduction to MongoDB

3. CRUD Operations in MongoDB

4. Data Modelling in MongoDB

5. Data types in MongoDB

6.Embedding in MongoDB

7.DBRefs and Manual Reference in MongoDB

  • Course Category: Development
  • Size: 470.13 MiB
  • Download: Download
  • Rating: 3.71