Learn Complete Web Development Course Using PHP/MySQL

Master in PHP OOPs, MYSQL, cPanel. Learn to build Real time website development.

Welcome To Learn Complete Web Development Course Using PHP/MySQL ultimate practice on problem-solving.

Are you new to the programming language or need a refresher? Then this course will help you get all the fundamentals of web development, Object Oriented PHP, MYSQLi.

Learn to create a Review System, log in and Registration system, Shopping Cart, and much more. I will teach you how to live website in cPanel.

The Course contains 15.5+ hours of interactive video content & dozens of coding exercises, teaching you the right tips & tricks in problem-solving in the most concise way. fundamentals, including syntax and variable declaration, objects, arithmetic operators, conditional statements, loops, functions, and arrays. and then go more Advance Like OOP, MYSQL, Database, And Project base. and ends with a hands-on coding video as well.

One of the most powerful server-scripting languages requires an equally powerful course to help break down the tricky concepts of Object Oriented website development in a step-by-step manner to help you master OOP.

Take your Projects Skills to the Next Level After completing this course, you will have the necessary skills to be able to create your own web applications with PHP and MySQL. The course is taught by an expert instructor Funky Programmer.

  • Course Category: Development
  • Size: 5.32 GiB
  • Download: Download
  • Rating: 3.58