Stripe Masterclass With React.js and Node.js

Build a real world fully functional e-commerce site with React, Hooks, Context API, Node.js, Express.js and Firebase

You will build a real world fully functional e-commerce site with React, Hooks, Context API, Node.js, Express.js and Firebase with the following features:

  • Node.js Server with Express

  • React frontend

  • Fully function e-commerce cart built with only functional components, hooks, & the context API

  • 3D Secure payment handling with Stripe

  • Manage Stripe customers and save credit cards for future use

  • Securely listen to events from Stripe via webhooks

  • Learn how to read the comprehensive Stripe API documentation

  • Course Category: Development
  • Size: 3.55 GiB
  • Download: Download
  • Rating: 4.19